One Week Workshop For Film Actors (In Tbilisi) (SOLD OUT)
Miguel Pérez
One Week Workshop For Film Actors (In Tbilisi) (SOLD OUT)
Miguel Pérez
Workshop by Miguel Perez
Cost $ 400
Length – 2 hours
Scoring movies all around the world by using languages and codes of different cultures triggered success in Hollywood.
Carlo Siliotto will be sharing his experience and knowledge on how to score music that has all chances to win major awards. He will teach you how to find opportunities in Hollywood and how to present yourself so you are chosen. Carlo will also teach you how to apply and campaign for Oscars and other major awards.
YOU will get to ask questions too! So come prepared and have your questions lined up!
08 Thursday September - 26 Thursday October 2022
12:00 - 12:00 am PST
$ 59.00
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