One Week Workshop For Film Actors (In Tbilisi) (SOLD OUT)
Miguel Pérez
One Week Workshop For Film Actors (In Tbilisi) (SOLD OUT)
Miguel Pérez
Workshop by Miguel Perez
Cost $ 400
Speaker: Miguel Perez, award winning actor, Dean of Hollywood Film Academy®️
Live via zoom.
No artist blurts out a masterpiece. A work of art is the end result of a painstaking process. Michelangelo’s Sistine sketchbook is filled with preliminary drawings and sketches and all seem to come from the same visual universe as the chapel ceiling but are not a part of it. Rather they are expressions of the artist’s creative process. They are markers on the road to the final image.
Those sketches were called studies. Studies are used in all forms of artistic endeavour. Painting, drafting, music, sculpture, dance, writing.
As actors, we study dramatic material in the same way. We come to a rehearsal space and test our ideas about, character, action, motivation, and behaviour in the context of a dramatic narrative.
This is not a performance class. This is not an acting class. This class is called scene study. In this class, I will challenge you to take apart a scene, or a monologue, analyze and assess the material and use that analysis to develop unique approaches, original narrative interpretations, and offbeat storytelling ideas in an effort to find the truth of the story...today!
30 Tuesday August - 30 Tuesday August 2022
12:00 - 12:00 am PST
Free Course
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