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February 22 , 2022

Kazakhstan Pic ‘Tomiris’ Acquired By Arclight Films & Well Go USA

Kazakhstan Pic ‘Tomiris’ Acquired By Arclight Films & Well Go USA

Arclight Films has secured all U.S. distribution rights with Well Go USA for the action-adventure Tomiris, about legendary Queen Tomiris. The movie was released in Kazakhstan on Oct. 1 and became one of the country’s highest grossing movies.

Starring Kazakhstan stars Almira Tursyn (as Tomiris), Adil Akhmetov (as Argun), and Aizhan Lighg (as Sardana) and directed by Akan Sataytev (The Liquidator), Tomiris tells the real-life story of the great queen who, along with her female warriors, united divided nomadic tribes to create a powerful nation capable of repelling the likes of Persia. According to historical accounts, Tomiris and her army very likely served as the downfall of Cyrus the Great, who was foolish enough to challenge the peoples of the Great Steppe and their inimitable leader.

“We are grateful to live in a world where there is a strong appetite for real-life stories of powerful women, stories that deserve to be told,” said Arclight Films chairman Gary Hamilton. “Tomiris tells one such story, and coupled with its exquisite landscapes and exceptional production values, it is an epic film that will enthrall audiences. When Kazakh-American film producer Gia Noortas (and head of the Honorary Consulate of Kazakhstan in Los Angeles) introduced us to this special project, we immediately recognized the extraordinary potential of this film. We are thrilled that our friends at Well Go USA are on board to bring the inspiring story of Queen Tomiris to U.S. audiences.”

“We have a passion for incredible stories, and few are more compelling than the almost unfathomable life story of the first historical ‘Queen of the Amazons,’” said Doris Pfardrescher, president and CEO of Well Go USA Entertainment. “Tomiris viewers will be left awe-struck by this fierce young warrior, who embodied such strength and unwavering love for her people that she overcame great tragedy to protect them at all costs, even when it meant waging war against the most powerful empire the world had ever seen.”

Tomiris is a co-production between Kazakhfilm Studios and Sataifilm.
